- Climate. The climate is very nice. Right now it's fall (the seasons are reversed in the Southern Hemisphere). It's generally pretty hot and muggy, 'round 85° F, but it's sunny almost every day. On those hot days a late afternoon shower rolls in quickly, rains for a while, and then leaves and takes the heat with it. Since it's a tropical climate, the plant life is spectacular; strange, beautiful plants and flowers grow everywhere.
- Women. Brazilian girls are hot. Really hot. Most all of them are brunettes with some in-between racial tone that doesn't exist in the U.S. They also have big, awesome asses. Not overflowing, lumpy, I-could-put-my-drink-on-that-shelf-you-call-an-ass asses, but certainly larger and rounder than the average American ass. Tan and round, A+. For those who are curious, their boobs are about the same size I would guess, if somewhat smaller.

Here's Miss Brazil. You're welcome.
- Hospitality. I've written about this before, but Brazilian hospitality is incredible. People always go out of their way to help me, and I'm constantly being invited places.
- Gringo Love. I think some of the Brazilian hospitality might stem from gringophilia, which is cool with me. Hopefully this will help me with said hot Brazilian women (Brazilians tell me it will).
- Food. If you've spent time with me recently, you probably know about my crazy food alergies (gluten & dairy). Brazil is awesome for people with these alergies because I can eat the Brazilian staples: beans, rice, meat, vegetables, and fruits. I can actually eat out in Brazil, something that's nearly impossible for me in the U.S.

I can eat all this!
- Language. Of course the language is huge for me -- I get off big time on speaking a foreign language every day. It's easier for me this time around with Portuguese instead of French despite the fact that I had studied French for a lot longer when I went to France. I've got the Romance language conceptual framework set up, so I pick things up much easier and faster, though I'm still struggling with the pronunciation. Speaking of which, I love the way the language sounds. It's a very pretty, sing-songy, open-mouthed kind of language. Like Brazil, it is strange and beautiful.
Its not gringophilia. Brazilians have a low self-esteem when it comes to our country (you know... 3rd world, poverty, inequalities, tropical diseases, etc...), so, we are sort of always trying to make people (foreigners) to like it here, our "pátria amada".
^ closeted gringophile
Pfffff... funny, anyway.
(the same anonymous)
Quem foi que disse para esse "anônimo" que nós brasileiros temos nossa auto-estima baixa???
Eu tenho muito orgulho de ser brasileira! Mesmo o meu país sendo de 3º Mundo, eu amo a minha pátria e não a troco por nenhuma outra!
Aff! Gente convencida!
Hi, idk what this ANONYMOUS person is talking about i'm Brasilian, and i really couldn't be prouder of where i'm from. I lovee Brasil to death, the people are fantastic, always fun, outgoing, very sweet/caring. I think the Brasilians are probably the happiest people in this earth, even the very very poor, no matter whats going on they have a smile on their face and are always helping the others. Anyways, i couldn't be prouder of where i'm from. I really appriciate what you have posted about brasilians, and i agree with you we do have pretty good ass, hahah thanks hun
Hi, idk what this ANONYMOUS person is talking about i'm Brasilian, and i really couldn't be prouder of where i'm from. I lovee Brasil to death, the people are fantastic, always fun, outgoing, very sweet/caring. I think the Brasilians are probably the happiest people in this earth, even the very very poor, no matter whats going on they have a smile on their face and are always helping the others. Anyways, i couldn't be prouder of where i'm from. I really appriciate what you have posted about brasilians, and i agree with you we do have pretty good ass, hahah thanks hun
I think Brazil is a great country, despite the problems, but what country now a days dont have problems right? look the at the recession at the world, at least Brazil has the clima to produce food for all its inhabitants and for other lands too, I love going in the country nice food , nice people, nice clima, nice almost everything.
Scott Mcfie
great country but what is gringophilia
Iti s always so funny so see the gringo point of view of our coutry. Nut people do not call gringo in a bad way. believe-me ... the girls in Brazil love americans... and have such a different idea about living here.Most people in Us are not well travelled or well educated what is a big surprise to me . When you talk abou Brasil the first thing taht they thing is Caranval. What is sad . I am from Sao Paulo. A very expensive city with a lot of good and bad. I still have to say Brasil is wonderful... the people are nice. The women are beautiful and so feminine, the language is like music and the food is great. I hope you are having a good time in my country .. enjoy !!!! because no one can party like a Brazilian ... I do miss my country ... I do miss my language so enjoyed for me. and if ever need a Portuguese teacher let me know alexandra
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