Poços is a city in the state of Minas Gerais that borders the state of São Paulo. Last weekend, Ruth, her 6 roommates, and I set off to spend a weekend in Minas.
It might seem a little strange to take a trip as a house, but there some backstory. About a month ago, a bunch of old "problem" roommates moved out and new ones moved in. Three of the seven new roommates are gringos, two from Spain and one from Chile, and the other four are Brazilian. While the old roommates were nothing but trouble -- one of them actually refused to pay back rent until she was collectively bitched out by the others -- but the new ones get along really well. Since I spend a lot of time at Ruth's, I hang out with them a lot. They're a very silly and fun bunch, prone to spontaneous song and dance, chicken fights, and gymnastics.
Here it is, Poços in pictures:
Hitting the pavement Saturday morning.
Here I am.
This is a mental defective we picked up on the side of the highway outside of Campinas. Just kidding, this is Sophia from Chile.
Feeding the monkies at a rest stop. The rumors are true, Brazil has mad monkies.
This was the monkey with the best hairdo.
Here's me and the girls (minus Laura) after arriving in Poços. From left to right it's: Teresa, Ruth, Sofia, and me. What a handsome bunch we are.
Going up a mountain in a gondala in Poços.
This is me trying to offset Ruth's enthusiasm for this photo.
Poços in all its glory.
This is the mini Christ the Redeemer keeping it real at the top of the mountain. As Ruth noted, this city has a Rio de Janeiro complex: a much smaller city with a much smaller Christ the Redeemer atop a much smaller mountain.
Ruth and I gazing into each other's eyes at the summit.
Human pyramid next to the Christ. From top to bottom, left to right it's: Ruth, Laura, David, Jaia, and Pintor. David's trying to lift up Ruth's skirt (and succeeding). Naturally I beat his ass to a bloody pulp after this.
Ruth defending herself against David's attacks and making everyone fall down in the process. I think that's my hand coming to the rescue.
Heading back down the mountain on foot.
David, Pintor, and Sofia chillin' back at Laura's parent's house.
Teresa playing "he loves me, he loves me not" (apparently "he wants me, he doesn't want me" in Spanish)
The whole crew (minus Ruth) in Poços. In the foreground are Laura's sister and her sister's huband whom we met up with on Sunday.
Word to your mother. Have a good Wednesday.
Adorei a seleção de fotos! =)
Ainda mais as 'legendas'!!
Awesome trip...
Many more to come!
PS: now I got it right... Could you please delete the others??? ;)
Deletei! Que bom que você gostou e conseguiu escrever certo! =p
AHHH I'm freaking out! Tell Ruth I say whatsup, and I hope I am here when she is. (I am going on birthright sometime in December- I'll know when in a few weeks for sure).
You two are so adorable, and I'm glad you found someone to make you so happy. These pictures made my day. ::sigh::
Pete those photos are so adorable. That monkey is terrifying though. I'm losing my mind at home....hence the starting of a blog. please come back soon.
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