Here's a short list of stuff that I've found interesting/challenging/weird about Brazilian Portuguese:
- Made Up Words
I found this really confusing at first about Portuguese. In truth, you don't really make up words a lot in Portuguese, but you do modify their endings. Certain suffixes (-inho, -inha, and -ão) get tacked on the ends of nouns to slightly alter their meaning. The first two suffixes (-inho and -inha) make whatever noun they're modifying smaller or cuter, while the -ão makes the noun it's modifying bigger. For instance, I live with a guy named Pedro, but everyone calls him "Pedrão" (big Pedro) because he's tall. Here's some more examples:- Bonitinho = Bonito ("beautiful") + -inho = Cute
- Cafezinho = Café ("coffee") + -inho = Small cup of coffee
- Gordão = Gordo ("fat") + -ão = Really big fat person
- Doidão = Doido ("crazy") + -ão = Totally nuts
- Rapidinho = Rapido ("fast") + -inho = Fast (informal)
- Rapidão = Rapido ("fast") + -ão = Fast (informal)
These suffixes can be used to permute any word and makes for a really fun, interesting part of the language. Sometimes it's actually about the size of the thing ("gordão"), sometimes it's about degree ("doidão"), and sometimes it just makes the word cuter or more informal (ex. "rapidinho" and "rapidão," both having more or less the same meaning). At the same time, this confused the hell out of me in the beginning since most words exist in several different versions and you have to be comfortable moving between all of them fluidly to be able to converse. To me, it seemed like there were endless words to learn, but once I got used to the construction things got much easier. - Don't Reply With "Yes" or "No"
This feature of the language was also really tough to get used to. In colloquial Portuguese, when someone asks you a yes or no question, you generally don't respond with yes or no. Examples:- Q). Pode abrir a janela? ("Can you open the window?")
- A). Posso. (lit. "I can.") = Yes, I can (and will).
- Q). Você vai para a festa hoje à noite? ("Are you going to the party tonight?")
- A). Vou. (lit. "I go.") = Yeah, I'm going.
- Q). Você quer bolo? ("Do you want cake?")
- A). Não quero. (lit. "I don't want.") = No, I don't want any.
- Q). Então, na verdade não tem como fazer assim? ("So, it's not actually possible to do it that way?")
- A). Isso. (lit. "That.") = Yes, that's right.
Responding with "sim" or "não" (the equivalents of "yes" and "no") is considered too formal and is weird for everyday language. My first month or so in Brazil, I was still very much in "yes" or "no" mode, and training myself to respond to "Can you?" with "I can" and not "yes" definitely required an adjustment. - No, no, and no!
In Portuguese, when you want to be emphatic about being against something you can keep adding no's:- Não quero. = I don't want that.
- Não quero não. = I really don't want that.
- Não, não quero não! = I really really don't want that!
- Não quero. = I don't want that.
- Contractions
Portuguese is similar to Spanish in how succinct of a language it is as you may have noticed. This is due largely to optional subject pronouns as well as unnecessary object pronouns (i.e. "I don't want it" = "Don't want" in Portuguese). However, Portuguese takes it to the next level with its contractions. Portuguese is nuts about contractions. While in English we like to do this with subjects and verbs (ex. I would => I'd, You will => You'll) Portuguese speakers do it with prepositions and, instead of sticking an apostrophe between the two contracted words, create a new world altogether. Examples:- in the (m.) = em + o = no
- in the (f.) = em + a = na
- in the (m. pl.) = em + os = nos
- in the (f. pl.) = em + as = nas
- to the (m.) = a + o = ao
- to the (f.) = a + a = à
- to the (m. pl.) = a + os = aos
- to the (f. pl.) = a + as = às
- of the (m.) = de + o = do
- of the (f.) = de + a = da
- of the (m. pl.) = de + os = dos
- of the (f. pl.) = de + as = das
- by the (m.) = por + o = pelo
- by the (f.) = por + a = pela
- by the (m. pl.) = por + os = pelos
- by the (f. pl.) = por + as = pelas
- his/its = of him/it = de ele = dele
- hers/its = of her/it = de ela = dela
- from here = de aqui = daqui
- from there = de aí = dai
- from there = de ali = dali
This is a very short list. If you count each gender and plurality, there are 78 prepositional contractions by my count. If you're interested, here's the full list (in Portuguese):
I hope I didn't get too linguistic on your asses. Take 'er easy.
Some hope for you:
Glad to here that things are going well in Brazil. I'm in NYC now, working, which has been fine so far.
By the way, it's interesting - in Chinese, you don't use "yes" or "no" either. But there, it's not a matter of formality - the two words simply don't exist!
- Zhao
hey man. I can't wait for you to do this for a living. How long did it take you to write all that up? Have you been keeping notes on your daily encounters with linguistically interesting moments?
In german they have contractions like this (the+in = der + im = dem or whatever...)
In hebrew, something similar- they tack on "in" "the" and "in the" and stuff to the front of the noun... "in the house" turns into "inthehouse". Though not exactly- Bayit means house. Ba means in (but it's never used alone). Babayit means in the house.
i really miss you.
Well, I spend a LOT of time thinking about, reading about, talking about, and studying Portuguese so I've had a post like this in mind for a while.
Yeah, German is agglutinative. I want to get into a language that's topologically very different from the ones I know. Something really hard, like Arabic or Mandarin. But I think I have to live in a country to really learn its language, and I don't know if I want to go live in an Arabic country or in China...
I miss you too. Living abroad is always bittersweet like that...
Hello Peter -
I stumbled across your blog (I don't even remember how, to be honest - I think I was Googling something for my girlfriend and you popped up) and laughed my butt off when I read the entry about peculiarities you observed about Brazil (i.e. slamming car doors ((hilarious, btw!!)) Halls as candy, etc...)
My girlfriend is Brazilian and her mother is visiting and staying with us now in the states for a month. She = no English / me = limited Portuguese, so it has been fun communicating. My skills are getting better everyday, I must not-so-humbly admit...;)
Anyway, just wanted to thank you for the linguistics lesson and the humorous anecdotes. I will visit Brazil someday soon and experience it firsthand for myself.
Enjoy your journey!
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