Saturday, May 31, 2008

Road Names

Holy shit, road names are complicated in Brazil. Here is a Google map of my neighborhood:

It's the same for public places, like parks and squares. I think it's because every name is commemorating some fallen hero or public servant, and Brazilians frequently have a shit ton of names and a title to boot. For example, the president of Brasil's name is: Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Five damn words to say his name.

Imagine trying to tell someone where you live your first week in Brazil: "I live at 601 Rua Engenheiro Humberto Soares Camargo." Remembering it is one thing and then pronouncing it is quite another. Another complicating factor is that the road signs on my street read "R. Eng. Humberto S. Camargo" so you gotta figure out what all those abbreviations are before you can say where you live.

All right, that is all. I have a churrasco to attend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

XDDD yeah, it's really annoying, I'm live at the corner with "Rua Lauro Wolf Valente" and "Rua Carlos Dietzsch", memorizing street names is a hard task, usually we talk about them using a reference, as a bank, a mall, supermarket and so on.